Learn Spanish in Cartagena

Start your journey at a global language school.

We are the only language school in Cartagena accredited by Eaquals—leaders in language teaching excellence. Start a unique journey at ECOS, filled with culture, knowledge, and adventure.

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Language school in Colombia

Cartagena de Indias
personal, multifaceted: The language school with the swissness touch

Oferta Educativa


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Corporación ECOS

Escuela de Español, Inglés y Salsa

The language opens new horizons for you.
Get to know our culture and make new friends

Extracurricular activities

Combine language, sport and fun: Create your ideal itinerary here.

Our extracurricular activities help you to learn the language in a different enviroment.

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Our Gallery

From classes to acommodations, as well as dancing and excursions: Here you will find the pictures.

We try to motivate our students to actively participate in the group so they will have a fulfilled stay

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Find out what our students are saying about us

Testimonio 1
Testimonio 2
Testimonio 3
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What is educational leave?

In Germany, Bildungsurlaub, Bildungsfreistellung or Bildungszeit refers to the legal right of employees to paid time off to participate in continuing education events such as language courses. Baden-W?rttemberg, Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Hessen, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Saxony-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein and Thuringen have a corresponding law on educational leave. Only in Bavaria and Saxony are employees not entitled to educational leave.

In all other states, employees must register their educational leave entitlement with their employer and select an approved language course. ECOS Escuela de Español is recognized as Bildungsurlaub in most German states.

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